A car accident can occur at any time. You have to react quickly and well, but you don’t always know how. Don’t worry! We give you the steps to follow to help you manage this difficult moment while keeping your cool, and some tips to ensure you get the best possible compensation for your car accident in Luxembourg.

A misjudged pole, a collision with a stationary vehicle or a pile-up… A car accident is always sudden, you are never prepared for it. What to do in these cases? Stay calm and follow our advice, step by step.
Of course, if there are serious injuries, the first thing to do is call an ambulance on 112. And to alert the police, who will draw up a report.
If the accident has caused damage, remember to firstly note the licence plate number of the other driver in case he or she decides to drive off. In Luxembourg, nearly 3,000 hit and run incidents are recorded every year!
1. Contact your insurer
As soon as you have dealt with any emergencies, call your insurer to let them know. Your insurer will advise you on the steps to take.
2. Fill in an accident report
Whether or not you believe you are responsible for the accident, whether or not there are injured, whether or not there are third parties involved, you will have to complete an accident report with the other person(s) involved. First, get to safety and make sure you don’t put other users at risk before you complete the report.
If there is no report or if the report is incorrectly completed, you may be less well compensated and within much longer time limits, or even not compensated at all. Always keep a clean accident report in your vehicle.
In the event of a chain accident, fill in two reports: one with the driver in front of you and the other with the one behind you.
How to fill in an accident report?
A properly completed accident report guarantees you a quick and fair settlement. Our tips for completing it:
- Check the documents: always ask to see an ID, a driver’s licence and the green card (insurance certificate) of the vehicle. Because the other driver may not be insured or have a driving licence.
- Fill in the contact details of the persons involved, any witnesses, cars involved (registration number, make, etc.).
- Be vigilant about which boxes you tick
- Draw a clear and precise sketch
- Do not acknowledge your liability: the insurance company or the court will decide
- Take your time! Once signed, the report can no longer be modified
- Ensure your report is signed by the other parties
In case of disagreement: under no circumstances sign the report and contact the police immediately. A signature means that you approve the information provided on the document.
Our form How to fill in an accident report
3. If necessary, get your vehicle repaired
If your vehicle is no longer in a fit state to be driven, you will have to organise it to be towed to a garage.
4. Submit your claim to your insurer as soon as possible
Don’t delay! Once duly completed and signed by the parties, your report must be sent to your insurer as soon as possible for compensation for property damage.
5. Obtain your insurer’s agreement before undertaking repairs
Contact your insurer before incurring any repair costs for your vehicle. You may not be compensated for them.