Now is the time you can get the children to move beyond the garden lawn and out into the wider world. Explore the surrounding landscape and take advantage of some quality time together – a real moment of freedom! However, before you go it is advisable to ensure your children are correctly equipped. Let’s do a quick check-up of the safety measures before you get cycling.

Protect your heads
There is a saying “use your head and wear a helmet”. Helmets are the most effective safety devices to reduce the risks of injury to the head in the event of a bicycle accident. Although it is not mandatory, they are clearly important.
Properly made helmets are certified and must not be confused with an item that is preferable to wear. They must be replaced after every significant impact because the materials inside may become deformed and can only absorb shocks once.
Adjust your bicycles
When a child sits on their bicycle, when it is stationary, their two feet must able to be placed on the ground. Also there should be 2 – 8 cm of space between them and the handlebars. When cycling, your child’s knee should be slightly bent when the pedal is fully down.
ABC quick check
ABC – because in English, the letters correspond to Air, Brake, Crank & Chain. It is important to check the condition of the bike before every cycle ride, No matter whether it has been a day or nine months since your last trip, check out the equipment you might need at the website here for your bicycle.
Be bright, use lights
When cycling at dusk, dawn or in the evening, make sure you can be seen and use lights. Fluorescent, reflective and brightly-coloured clothing will also help you be visible on the road.
Another small piece of clothing advice: avoid long clothing, dresses and laces which could become entangled in the chain or the spokes.
Check they know the Highway Code
If you are taking children riding on the roadway, review a few Highway Code rules, along with some common sense advice with them:
- Teach them the importance of knowing the direction of the traffic
- Educate your children about the road signs mean, particularly those that ask you to stop!
- Tell them what to do when approaching a pedestrian crossing
- Illustrate arm movements which are used to signal a change in direction
- Inform them about the necessary of space between other bicycles
Choose your route
Certain routes are easier and more pleasant than others. Avoid steep slopes, use cycle paths and reduce the time spent on main roads. Cycling will then be more enjoyable for everyone.
Make safety a family enjoyment
One of the best ways to help children learn about cycling in safely is to set them a good example and to be a role model by following the rules of the road yourself. Enjoy taking bike trips with your children, illustrate and be an example what safe riding means.