After a year full of learning, summer is often a time to relax. It is a period conducive to games for our children and so many opportunities to explore new horizons, whether at home or on holiday. Kaskou is not to be left behind, and can accompany you in your new adventures. Thanks to him, you can continue to learn while having fun throughout the summer.

“Kaskou pass op!”, the educational game that’s fun for children and parents.
Kaskou is a very reckless little boy, and the object of the game is to show him good habits, in order to collect the various objects in his path. By playing as a family, you will become aware of the dangers of everyday life, and find solutions and advice on diet, health and the environment, with a view to adopting a healthy and responsible lifestyle.
Because when you’re with your mates, it’s better to learn while having fun.
You can discover all these activities accompanied by Kaskou and his group of friends.
There are six of them, each with their own personality and different educational roles. The aim of this group of friends is to learn while having fun, by enjoying a series of fun activities and answering child-friendly questions.

Download the game board of Kaskou and his friends playing on the beach