Selling houses is a dark art, with its techniques, strategies and research into the market, surrounding area, services, etc. Follow our advice to achieve the best price for your property and enjoy a stress-free sales process.

1. Set the right price (and negotiating margin)
Overestimating their property is the most common mistake made by private sellers. While it may seem like a good idea to aim for a slightly higher price, it could prove expensive in the long run.
It is best to aim for the right price or even slightly below the market value, in order to create a competitive sales environment. The more interest you generate, the more offers you will receive. You will then be in a strong position to negotiate and raise prices.
However do be careful to specify in your advert that your price is not a fixed price and that you will accept offers starting at that amount. If you forget to specify this, the first buyer to offer you the stated price will win the sale and you will be unable to benefit from a bidding process.
2. Prepare the house before it goes on the market to attract as many buyers as possible.
All properties, whether modest or luxurious and regardless of their price, sell faster if they are well prepared.
The preparation obviously starts with a good clean and clear-out, followed by some minor work and possibly redecoration (this is called home staging).
The aim is to free your house or apartment from anything that could hinder buyers’ imagination. To allow them to see themselves living there, it is better to offer them a beautiful blank canvas than to present how you enjoy and live in the space.
To create this blank canvas, get rid of excessively bright colours and only keep neutral, fresher tones. Aim for a minimalist, stylish decor (not just your style).
Some details should also be remembered when taking photos and during visits: clean the driveway, open curtains, ask someone to look after your pets, de-clutter, etc. There should be a place for everything and everything in its place.
All these little touches can make a huge difference: buyers will have the impression of a well-maintained house, get a better idea of the space available and be able to imagine where their own furniture could go.
3. Find the right estate agent to work with
The chosen estate agent will have to represent your best interests and it is important for you to have a good relationship. The estate agent also needs to know all about the neighbourhood in order to set the right price and be able to justify it.
4. Do your homework as a seller
While it is important to find a good estate agent, sellers also need to do a reasonable amount of background work.
Take advantage of all the information available online to learn about market trends, similar sales, your home’s potential, etc. This will help you a lot when you begin speaking to potential estate, etc. Cela vous aidera beaucoup lorsque vous commencerez à interroger des agents immobiliers potentiels.